Chalion Wiki
"The Roknari shone with a white aura like a man standing in front of a clear glass window at a sea dawn. Cazaril shut his eyes, though he knew he didn’t see this with his eyes."
―Cazaril finally sees Umegat for who he is[src]

Umegat (pronounced OOM-me-gat - see Goodreads) was a Roknari divine, scholar, and a saint of the Bastard resident in Cardegoss during the events of The Curse of Chalion.

He served as head groom to Roya Orico's menagerie, and hosted the miracle of the menagerie that mitigated the effects of the curse of Chalion on Orico. In his youth in the Roknari archipelago where homosexual relationships were regarded by the predominant Quadrene faith as a perversion of the Bastard, Umegat fell in love with an older man. Together they planned to escape to Brajar, but Umegat's lover was caught and martyred. Umegat escaped and eventually became a Temple divine of the Bastard. As a young divine, Umegat was an assistant Inquirer for the Temple investigating charges of death magic.

Of noble Roknari descent, Umegat was tall but a little stooped, had leathery skin that had been gold but came to be faded to ivory, and curly bronze hair going gray.

Umegat first appeared when Cazaril, Iselle and Betriz paid a visit to the menagerie.

